Chocolate covered marshmallows are a fabulous way to satisfy that sweet tooth without spending a bundle, without spending hours in the kitchen, and without having to make 2, 3, or 4 dozen (if you just absolutely don't want to).
1. Choose your posion. Yes, that wonderful white fluff of happiness IS the thing dreams are made of. It's better half, the simply smooth morsal of goodness helps to create this spin-off of Sandra Lee's Hobo S'mores. Find the marshmallow that suits you and choose a meltable chocolate that satisfies your taste! Today, I have two! I chose the big white ones and medium-sized chocolate marshmallows. For the chocolate, I just couldn't pass up my all-time favorite, semi-sweet chocolate. Nestle has a bag out right now that has milk chocolate and peanut butter chips mixed. SWEET. Needless to say, I HAD to grab those, too.
2. Do the deed. Melt your chocolate, whichever way it may be that you choose. If you melt it in the microwave, don't EVER EVER EVER forget to only put it in for 30 second intervals. Too long in the microwave, and your doomed. If you're traditional, then a double boiler is for you. Take your time and stir constantly.
3. Make the magic happen. Be prepared by having some wax paper on your surface for when the chocolate is melted. Perhaps test the marshmallows to make sure their consistency is just right, too. It's purely for scientific purposes's just one. ...Let's focus, here. So after the chocolate is melted and wax paper is out and marshmallows are fabulously tested, get to it! I like to use a fork to fully cover; the extra chocolate drips off easier between the prongs of the fork. I also used a toothpick to help manuver these babies. I left them in the marshmallow so that wandering fingers sneaking a bite could snatch one more easily.
4. Get dolled up. Add some color! Add some flava'. Today, it's sprinkles and graham cracker crumbs. I used cupcake cups to hold the goods. It's the perfect size. I also wash all my dishes by hand, so I try to reduce my workload.
5. Get a little crazy. Break the rules that you shouldn't do in public. Get more than one! Pile them on a lollipop stick and THEN dip it! Or maybeeee DOUBLE DIP?? (gasp!) After one chocolate hardens on the marshmallow, go back and do a different flavor --like the semi-sweet covering the PB & milk chocolate mix. YUM?! Which brings me to ....
6. JUST CHILL! The refrigerator is a handy device at cooling things quickly. I.E. let's you try your creation sooner! So let those beautiful bad boys cool and let their shells harden before you try to take them off the wax paper. If you don't, it just won't be pretty (but that'll be one more for you!)
All in all, if you want this done in half an hour. You can do it. Or, if you have slight OCD or perfectionist tendancies, like some certain people I may or may not know, then budget yourself for a good hour or so. Snaz up your dollops of delights in whatever seasonal confetti-like sprinkles are out there at the time and... don't forget to share.
HEY FRIEND!! These look amazing! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! :0)